Episode #1 - "Facts About Falls - What's My Risk?"

Recorded Presentation

Student Handout

Fall-Free Fact

Episode #2 - "Your Health and What's On Your Feet Matters!" 

Recorded Presentation

Student Handout

Fall-Free Fact

Episode #3 - "Exercise is the Best Medicine"

Recorded Presentation

Student Handout

Fall-Free Fact

Episode #4 - "Home Safety: Kitchen, Stairs and Laundry Room"

Recorded Presentation

Student Handout

Fall-Free Fact

Episode #5 - "Community Mobility"

Recorded Presentation

Student Handout

Fall-Free Fact

Episode #6 - "Work Smarter, Not Harder"

Recorded Presentation

Student Handout

Fall Risk Assessment 

Fall-Free Fact

Episode #7 - "Fall-ty Habits: Everyday Activities" 

Recorded Presentation

Student Handout

Healthy Habits Improvement Chart Sample

Healthy Habits Improvement Chart Blank 

Fall-Free Fact

Episode #8 - "Putting it All Together: Your Plan for Falls Prevention"

Recorded Presentation

Student Handout

Fall-Free Fact